Michael Fiore • Creative Director / Art Director

Los Angeles Times


“How California Thinks”

This campaign, which leveraged the unique point of view California has on the rest of the world, was aimed at increasing readership for the Los Angeles Times by ultimately getting more people to subscribe. At a time when newspapers globally have been struggling to maintain and engage readers the Los Angeles Times has adopted a "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" position by encouraging citizens to get more involved, question current events and join in our uniquely “Californian” conversation. We developed a ton of print and digital assets, as well as three key tv spots which discussed current controversial issues like education, gay marriage, and the impact the entertainment industry has on our culture. Media: tv, print, ooh, online/digital


“Education” :30


“Rights for All” :30


Role: Art Director/Creative Director

Agency: Phenomenon, Los Angeles
Creative Director: Mark Frankel
Copywriter/Creative Director: Alex Flint
Photography: Getty Images, Los Angeles Times Archives